Quick and Easy Imaging of GCP Compute
Suppose we have a suspected compromised GCP Compute VM and we want to investigate further. In today's age, we'd likely leverage some kind of EDR; ideally it'd be pre-installed and we could simply look at the logs there. But suppose we don't, or suppose we want to do some actual disk forensics. How easy is it?
There's a couple of resources on this topic, and I often find myself coming back to this video from Cloud Next '18.
Taking an image
At a high-level, the process goes something like this:
- Create a snapshot from the GCE attached disk
- Create an image from the snapshot
- Export the disk image
Quick aside. You may be wondering why you need to create a snapshot and can't instead just create an image directly from the disk? Because the disk is in use by the instance, it won't let us create an image directly.
$ gcloud compute disks list
NAME: web-server
LOCATION: us-central1-a
TYPE: pd-balanced
$ gcloud compute images create web-server-image --source-disk=web-server
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.images.create) Could not fetch resource:
- The disk resource 'projects/project/zones/us-central1-a/disks/web-server' is already being used by 'projects/project/zones/us-central1-a/instances/web-server'
So firstly we create a snapshot of the disk:
$ gcloud compute disks snapshot web-server --snapshot-names=web-server-snapshot
Creating snapshot(s) web-server-snapshot...done.
Then we can use this to create an image:
$ gcloud compute images create web-server-image --source-snapshot=web-server-snapshot
Created [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/global/images/web-server-image].
NAME: web-server-image
PROJECT: project
And finally we can export the image:
Supported formats include raw (default), vmdk, vhdx, vpc, vdi, and qcow2.
$ gcloud compute images export --destination-uri=gs://forensics-bucket/web-server.raw --image web-server-image
$ gsutil ls gs://forensics-bucket
And with that, we can mount the image or investigate using our favourite disk forensics tools!
$ cat /mnt/tmp/flag.txt